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Tithing, An Act of Worship

Author: Josué Mora Peña

Every Sunday we come to worship God.  We worship Him with our prayers, our presence, our singing, the Bible scripture, the sermon and His tithes.  It’s not very often that I preach about stewardship.  Maybe I need to bring these of kind of sermons more often because it is for your own benefit.  Tithing is part or our worship.  Our worship is not complete if we forget this detail.  The Bible tells us that God says, "The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts."  So why keep to ourselves what we already that that is His?

God and money go together, like the horse and chariot, like love and marriage.  We cannot separate one from the other.  We show our God our love with our deeds not just with words, the same way that we demonstrate our love to our loved ones by providing the necessities of life to them.  O again, this sermon is for your own good.  Remember that God’s blessings are conditional: You obey Him, He’ll bless you. Paying God the ten percent is the biblical pattern for the Christian.  Leviticus 27:30 says, "And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord’s: it is holy unto the Lord."  Have you ever thought that the ten percent that belongs to God is holy?  You cannot keep to yourself what rightfully belongs to God.  It is a sin.

The first mention of tithing is found in Genesis 14:20, when Abram gave to Melchizedek the tithes of the goods that he recovered from his enemies (Genesis 14).  Some people believed Abram got the idea of tithing from the pagan neighbors who offered sacrifices to their gods or, God himself put in Abram’s heart the idea of returning the ten percent.  When we retain what is God’s, our worshipping is incomplete.  It is like robbing God according to Malachi 3:8.  I have mentioned before that if we don’t give to God what is His, it will end up in Cesar’s hand.  Can you image, that money which could have help to save a soul will probably send that soul to Hell.  Please, please, think about that.

We don’t pay the tithe to gain God’s favors or to buy His blessings.  "Tithing is not practiced to buy favors from God to but pay tribute to the Heavenly Father who is the source of every material possession" Says, G. Ernest Thomas.  In other words, it is a way to tell God who much we love Him, how much we care for Christ’s church.  No one, but no one would give his or her money to a cause they don’t believe in.  So if you care about your children and grandchildren, and believe in God’s cause, start tithing if you are not doing it.

Maybe, just maybe, that’s why our Christian live is not what it should be.  Sometimes we live in an up-and-down rollercoaster.  We’re struggling trying to live the Christian life but we seem to get nowhere.  We may be very faithful to attend church, to pray and to read our Bibles, but, if we are failing in return to God His tithes we are short in our worshipping, maybe that’s why we have so many problems, especially financially speaking.  We should be prosperous in everything we do, including money.  When our devotion to God is complete, our lives will be also to the fullness.

I mentioned before the story of William Colgate.  How he started tithing, then he paid back the 20 %, then the 30 %, 40% and 50%, and he became a millionaire.  He was not born a wealthy man, he just obeyed God and He prospered him.  God can do the same with you.  If you have been praying for revival, tithing will be no problem to for you.  You can start now.  Don’t wait for tomorrow, the tomorrows never come.  The Bible says in I Corinthians 16:2 to give according how God has prospered you and if you had not prospered yet, it is because you have not given to God what is His.

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And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32
Versión en Español
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