Father's Day
Author: Josué Mora PeñaThis is how Fathers Day began: a widower by the name of William Jackson Smart was the inspiration for the creation of this special day. His wife died in 1898 while she was having her sixth child. William was a veteran of the Civil War and he raised his six children all by himself in the State of Washington. In May of 1909, one of his daughters heard a sermon where the Mothers were being praised and she had the idea of looking for a day when fathers would also be recognized. Now Mothers Day had just begun the previous year but it was not until 1972 when Fathers Day was established in the United States.
Our Bible scripture this morning has to do with a Father and his 12 sons. Were talking about Jacob. You all know the story. Some of the twelve sons were half-brothers, sons of four Mothers but it was all in Gods plan. It was the beginning of the nation of Israel. The eleventh son, Joseph, was sold to some merchants by his 10 half-brothers, because of envy. He was only 17-years-old. The merchants sold him in Egypt. 13 years later he became the second only to Pharaoh and 20 years later, when he was 37, he saw his brothers again. What was his first thought after seen them? This is my chance to avenge the evil they did to me? No! His first thoughts were the dreams he had back at home many years ago were becoming a reality. His brothers were bowing down and keeling down to him as he had dreamed before and he was glad to see them, but he taught them a lesson. A lesson they never forgot.
Joseph learned about God from his Father Jacob. In fact, he was his fathers favorite. He even gave him a coat of many colors. No wander his half-brothers hated him but Joseph was a good son. He obeyed his father. Proverbs 4:1 says, Hear, ye children the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding. In the same book, chapter 6:20, it says, My son, keep thy fathers commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother. A good father and Grandfather will see that his children learn about God. If Joseph would not have listened to his father, he would have failed in the test God put him through: He was lonely, away from home, in a strange land with strange people. He was tempted, put in jail, but God never left him. God had a plan for his life and his family. God needed to prepare him, to change him and he was put through the fire.
Joseph saved Egypt and other nations from perishing, including his own father and family. The seven years of plenty had just finished. The seven years of famine were just beginning, thats when Jacob sent his 10 sons to Egypt to buy food and they were faced to faced with their brother, the one they had sold several years back. They did not recognize him but Joseph did. They hadnt changed much but Joseph looked more like an Egyptian than a Hebrew.
What can we learn from both Jacob and Joseph?
From Jacob: To train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6. From the very beginning of the family, God established that the father was going to be the priest of the house, but there are some exemptions. Fathers need to teach their children about the love of God.
From Joseph: we learn to apply what our parents have taught us about God. Joseph not only learned from his father but undoubtedly from his mother also. Its not enough to believe in God. The Bible tells us that the demons also believe in Him, and tremble. We must obey Him and learn from the life of Joseph.
From Jacob: we learn to fear God. Jacob and his father Abraham believed in God. They feared Him, in the sense of respecting Him and obeying Him. Jacob wouldnt have been able to teach his sons if he did not know about God. Nobody can teach what he or she doesnt know. That means, parents and granddads, that we ourselves need to know God. I cannot teach what I dont know. As a father, I need to read the Bible in order to learn about God; I need to pray every day for the family.
From Joseph: we need to learn to be discipline, responsible, organized, he was very methodically. Like Joseph, we need to learn to forgive as he forgave his brothers.
From Jacob: we need to learn to be strong and accept the consequences of all our decisions we make.
From Joseph: let us learn to be faithful to God in the midst of problems and tribulations and temptations.
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